August 15, 2003


[Mood] Relaxed
[Music] Linkin Park- Faint

Well, what an interesting 20 hours! The biggest power outage in North American history started at 4 pm. yesterday affecting southern/eastern Ontario and the eastern seabord of the States. I was at work when the power went out in my office. Looking out the window you could see that the traffic lights were out causing a heavy traffic jam. Everyone figured that it would be a long while before power would come back up so us intern students ended up playing cards until after 5:00. Then we made our way down the pitch-black stairwell (luckily some of us were equipped with really bright cell phones!) to brave the zoo of cars. Fortunately for me, the traffic going in the direction I was headed flowed pretty well so I was able to get home in 20 minutes using the 407 (which I still had to pay for 'cuz they've got backup generators)!

Upon coming home, there was nothing to do so I worked on my scrapbook that I started last year. Yeah, I've been a bit behind. Dinner wasn't a problem for us. Our family uses a gas stove instead of an electric one so we were able to have a regular cooked meal in the dark. We actually have a lot of candles so we were burning them all and playing around with the wax for a good while... a great way to pass time. I think my sister's a pyromaniac. It was too bad for my sister though; it was her 16th birthday but it was like we were back in the 18th century (seriously, what did people do back then??). It was a good thing that the birthday cake was still cold.

What a starry starry night it was! My sisters and I went out to the backyard to do some stargazing and take photos of some constellations. At 11:30 pm we ended up playing the board game Clue, then went outside to our front porch to look at the moon and Mars until 1:00.

Although the radio broadcasts said that power would be resumed by 1 am, I woke up to another day without electricity. So in the morning I was just listening to the battery-powered radio, reading and scrapbooking until noon when we finally got back electricity (hallelujah)! I never realized how reliant I am on electricy... I'm usually using the computer, stereo or television. My life is quite boring without these things!

Posted by mich at August 15, 2003 2:09 PM

It's so awesome your family has a gas stove! I had a piece of bread with Nutella on it for dinner. Not too bad, but not ideal. Did you have to get rid of a lot of food in your fridge? Surprisingly, we didn't. I think it's because we never opened the fridge door so none of the cold air came out. I don't know.

The sky was beautiful last night, though. I wish I could've captured the stars with my camera, but unfortunately, it's not that great. But, anyway, sounds like you actually had a decent time last night, so kudos to you. I was bored out of my mind!

Posted by: Denise at August 15, 2003 11:03 PM
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